On The Dex

8 surefire ways to get the most out of your day

Written by Shivani Gopal | Mar 10, 2023 12:39:25 AM

Most successful people apply routines to their morning. Here’s my 8 tips.

  1. Get a good night’s sleep. Eight to nine hours is ideal, although some people thrive on less. New evidence suggests the brain as well as the body rests and heals while sleeping and every hour before midnight is worth two after.
  2. Make your bed. Daily bedmaking is something that kickstarts a series of good decisions throughout the day. A clean and organised space can lead to a clean and organised mine.
  3. Take a cold shower. Clinical trials have shown that taking a cold shower can help relieve the symptoms of depression and heighten your immune system.
  4. Move your body. Exercising in the morning boosts your mood, your metabolism, your alertness level and your concentration. You’re also more likely to exercise in the morning than when you’re tired at the end of the day.
  5. Do a morning reflection, even if it’s just setting an intention for the day.
  6. Practice gratitude for simple things, like your morning latte, or for something such as the support of a friend or mentor.
  7. Plan your day. It will give you more control over your time and less reactive. You’ll kick your goals. Choose three things you would like to get done. Research shows that taking 10 minutes to plan your day can save you up to two hours time.
  8. Spend five minutes learning something new. Knowledge is power.