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1 in 10 of us will be bullied at work

Some shocking statistics on bullying from new Australian research.

One in 10 of us will experience it at work, according to a new study by the  University of South Australia

Distressingly, a previous study published in the journal Development and Learning In Organisations showed 70 per cent of female executives feel they have been bullied by a woman in their office and it has stunted their progression.

But the university research blames “poor management practices”, not individuals, for the problem.

It identified nine major risk areas for workplace bullying embedded in day-to-day practices, putting the onus on organisations to address the problem.

These included: rostering and work hours, administering leave and entitlements, defining job roles, guiding and motivating employees, providing training, appraising and rewarding job performance, managing tasks and workload, managing underperformance, managing team relationships, leading the work unit and maintaining a safe environment.

If you are being bullied at work:

+ Check to see if your workplace has a bullying policy or procedure

+ Keep a diary of everything that happens

+ Get support from someone you trust, or contact your union

+ Contact the Australian Human Rights Commission to make a formal complaint

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