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Could the four-day week become your reality?

We’d love it, what about you?

Thousands of companies worldwide are currently piloting a reduced-hour work week, or have permanently adopted a shorter week.

And that includes Australia!

six-month pilot study, involving 20 companies across Australia and New Zealand, began in early August.

While the Australian trials have only been running for a few weeks, a spokesperson for not-for-profit 4 Day Week Global says that so far the trial is looking “very encouraging”.

As well as making the workplace more equitable, a shorter week could improve our health, give us more time for hobbies, and help reduce our carbon footprint.

Four day work weeks could also be beneficial for working mothers, who need more hours to care for children but don’t want to sacrifice their careers.

Here’s what’s happening worldwide:

+ 4 Day Week Global has reported that a British trial improved productivity at 95% of firms and will continue at 86% of those in the trial.

+ A four day work week in Scotland has shown  enhanced employee well-being and the bottom line.

+ The Spanish government has agreed to a  32-hour work week over three years with no reduction in pay.

+ Japan is considering a four-day workweek.

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